Kola Saraswathi Vaishnav Balalaya is managed by Sri Vallabhacharya Vidya Sabha. The Academic year is divided into two Semesters.
Semester I - April to September
Semester II – October to March
Class I to V
Grading Scale
The entire academic year is divided into two Terms.
Term I April to September
Term II October to March
Terminal Exam for 80%, Internal for 20%
The grading scale for the scholastic domain has EIGHT POINT
Co-Scholastic Areas: On a 3 point grading scale
Health & Physical Education
General Knowledge
Computer Science
Value Education
Art & Craft
Skill Subject
Oxford Advantage
Classes VI to VIII
Scholastic Area : The assessment structure and examination for classes VI to VIII comprises of two terms i.e. Term-1 and 2 as
TERM-1 (100 Marks)
TERM-2 (100 Marks)
Five Main Subjects + 3rd Language
(1st half of the session) 20 marks Periodic Assessment + 80 marks for Half Yearly Exam
(2nd half of the session) 20 marks Periodic Assessment + 80 marks for Half Yearly Exam (In yearly exam partial portions of First Term will also be included)
a).The school conducts two Mid Terms, two Terminals and one Annual Examination every year. Attendance in these examinations and tests including orals and practicals is compulsory. The Terminal Examinations play a vital role in preparing XI & XII students for the X and XII grading will as per the CBSE pattern (NINE POINTS Scale).
b).It is necessary that each student passes in all the subjects (separate pass in theory as well as practical) in order to be promoted to "Std XII".
c).Tests and examinations will not be conducted again for absentees
d).The report cards are sent to the parents periodically. Parents are requested to go through the same & meet the Principal / Teachers if necessary to discuss the remedial measures.